Olivia and Cole's birth story

Thursday, January 16, 2014

I went 38 weeks. 38 long weeks. I am not the girl who loves being pregnant, actually, I hated it. I think being pregnant with twins is a whole different at story than being pregnant with a singleton. Regardless, the 38 tretruous weeks were completely worth it. I had a scheduled C Section for October 14 at 10:30 am. My husband, parents and in laws arrived at the hospital at 9 am. I was called back to get prepped. Now, I had been told by my mom and other friends that a C Section was not bad at all. I called bullshit. I was scared out of my mind. Eventually after getting my gown on I was taken back to the operating room. Bryce was not allowed in there with me while I was getting my spinal in. This process terrified me. I entered the room with nurses and a PA and was completely taken back. I entered what I thought was a joke. It was identical to the room you see on Greys Anatomy.  After getting my spinal in (which didn't hurt in the least bit) they told me to hurry up and scoot to the bottom of the bed, I did as I was told. At this point, I was asking for Bryce to be let into the room. I started feeling dizzy and my blood pressure began to drop. They put some reversal medicine in my IV and we were good to go. Bryce came into the room and the process began. 10 minutes after starting my doctor pulls Olivia out and shows us to her over the blue curtain. She was beautiful. I started crying because I was so happy. One minute later, Cole is shown to us over the curtain. Both babies were gorgeous. After Olivia and Cole were out, they weighed them and handed them to Bryce so we could take the pictures we had asked for. Bryce eventually had to leave the room so they could sew me back up, but they let the twins stay with me.
We went back into the recovery room for about three hours, until I could lift my butt up off the table. Our parents visited us in the recovery room and then we were off to our actual hospital room, where we stayed Monday thru Thursday. My recovery was beyond perfect and I was back to working out in 4 weeks and back to my pre pregnancy weight ten days after the twins were born. I honestly can say that I had the most amazing experience with my C Section and I would do it again in a heart beat.


  1. Hi! I came across your blog via Jess's blog // Sadie Sky Boutique :) I have a 9-month old daughter named Olivia, she is our only one right now but I am hoping to have twins in the future! I thought I would stop by and say hi :) I've enjoyed reading some of your posts :)

  2. Thank you! You're little girl is named Olivia, too? Love it!


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