Three Months later....

Thursday, January 16, 2014

So I'm not starting this blog when people typically start a blog, right when they find out they're pregnant or heck, when their children or born. No, I'm starting it three months after my children are born. We move a lot and we meet friends every place we live; therefore, I figured instead of bombarding facebook with a bajillion photos of Olivia and Cole I would start a blog so people could see them and keep up with our life, if they wanted.
Our schedule is pretty strict. The kids wake up once a night to be fed and usually go back to bed right after they finish their bottle. They usually wake up around 7 am and eat breakfast. Breakfast consists of cereal and a bottle. After both kids are fed, we play for about two hours then it's nap time. Naps are about 30-45 minutes long, just long enough for me to make our bed and get dressed. After they wake up they hang out until 11, then they eat lunch. Lunch is now consisting of baby food and a bottle. Here is one thing I bet you don't know, my kids are hungry, they love to eat. We started them on baby food a week before they turned three months. I know what the general public says about giving baby food before 5-6 months, but don't judge until you are a mother of two very hungry twins. Moving on, after lunch they play and typically go down for another nap around 12:30. When they wake up  they usually lay on their blanket and smile at the ceiling fan (I have yet to find out what is funny about that fan). Snack time is at 3:00, which is just a bottle. They play again after their bottle. I am a huge advocate of playtime. I do not want my kids laying in a Rock N Play all day or in front of the tv. So we usually are keeping busy on their play mat, having a dance party (thanks to Pandora) or laughing/smiling at the ceiling fan. They take another nap between 4:00 and 5:00 and this is when I take a quick shower, staring at the monitor while I wash my hair making sure I don't hear screaming. Daddy usually gets home around 5:30 and dinner (bottle and more vegetables) are at 6:00. Bath time is at 6:30 and the it's bedtime at 7:00. I know our day is extremely structured, but it works for us. 

1 comment:

  1. I love this! Structured schedule is a smart move. When the babies know what to expect, they're much happier and a lot easier. Great move Hodlik!


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